
I’m a happy-snapper, a very amateur photographer but when I do remember to take my camera with me, and it’s charged, I dabble. Pretty much everything ends up on my Flickr stream. Favourite topics include: food, my travels and handy pictures for slides.

If you’d like to use any of my pics, please check this note about credits. You can contact me through this website, where you’ll also find details of work-related shenanigans.

Credits: Want to Use a Photo?

Pretty much everything is available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, so please help yourself to the pictures or blogs, etc.

If you do use a picture, please let me know either via a comment here, or on Flickr, it’s always great to know when pics are being used. 

I’d be really grateful if you could add the following credit somewhere in your post:

(cc) Sam Michel.  Some Rights Reserved.