Does exactly what it says on the tin

There’s something pleasing about a website that does exactly what it says on the tin (á la Ronseal). Maybe this is a trend that’s been happening for a while, but a handful of sites have recently come across my radar.


It started when I got sent, Is it Tuesday?, useful for anyone who has woken up too bleary eyed to focus on the small fonts used for dates on most computers. This was followed up by some more practical alternatives:

that both answer questions I’ve definitely asked myself. I particularly like Down for everyone or just me? which might stop that particular question working its way round an office every time a frequently visited website packs up for any reason.

Know of any others? Let me know and I’ll add them to the list.

Updates: more sites:

Also published on Medium.


Inquisitive. Hopeful. Jovial. Cantankerous. Digital marketer. Event organiser. Long-time fan of tech, collaboration and innovation. Exploring digital, social, business, technology, society, psychology & startups. Founder Chinwag, Digital Mission, Pitch NYC, ChinwagPsych. Former Exec Dir, Social Media Week London. More short stuff @toodlepip on Twitter.

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