Using SQLite with Eclipse and DbEdit
[Warning: For those not of a technical bent, what follows will be as dull as the dullest, tepid dishwater you can imagine, so probably better to venture to something more interesting.]
Every so often, I’ll decide to tinker with a bit of code to extend my knowledge and see if I can still knock up anything that’ll work on ye olde Interwebby. Inevitably, this involves spending far more time setting up an environment than actually producing anything.
As I tend not to make notes (v. bad habit, I know) and then forget how it worked, I’ve resolved to write up little blog posts as an aide memoire for the next time. If they help someone else in the same predicament, marvellous. The steps below worked for me, but it’s always a bit of a gamble that the process is actually what you’re supposed to do.
So, after much time spent with Mr Google, a number of dead ends and some very useful posts, this is how I managed to get my setup (Mac OSX, Eclipse, DbEdit, SQLite) working. If you’ve spotted errors, or have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.
Step One – Download JDBC Drivers
Firstly, you’ll need to find and install a JDBC driver for SQLite. The one on the Zentus website did the trick:
Save the sqlitejdbc-v053.jar to a memorable directory, I created a jdbc drivers folder in the Eclipse application folder. Just remember where it’s saved.
Step Two – Install JDBC Driver in DbEdit
Fire up Eclipse and open the DbEdit perspective using the menu:
Windows > Open Perspective > Other… > DbEdit
DbEdit provides the option to install new JDBC database drivers when you create a new database connection, which is step three:
Step Three – Install Create SQLite Java Database Driver
- Select the Connection option from the main menu bar at the top of the page, a dialog box will pop up
- Give your new connection a name e.g. SQLite DB
- Click on the drop down for JDBC Driver field, if an SQLite driver is available, select it and skip to step four below
- OK, so you need to install the SQLite driver downloaded above, click on the Classpath tab in the dialog box
- Click on the Add Archive option. Find the driver you saved in that directory and click OK, then click Apply.
Step Four – Create Database Connection
This is where things got painful for me. The format for the JDBC Server was a right little sod. Thanks to the clues on this page, I finally figured it out.
- If you’re following the step above, switch back to the Common tab in the dialog box by clicking it
- Select the SQLite JDBC driver, if you’ve used the one above, it’ll read org.SQLite.JDBC
- Now, you’ll need to enter the Server URL, which will take one of the formats listed below
- Click OK. There might be a prompt for username/password, I’m not using one so could click OK.
Possible format for JDBC SQLite Server URL:
As an example, on the Mac that I’m using the format of the URL was:
which is the full path to the SQLite file. I haven’t tested it, but on a Windows machine, it would most likely be:
which in a real-world example, might look like this (N.B. I haven’t tested this):
jdbc:sqlite:/C:/Documents and Settings/Sam/Sites/Test/test.db
I hope this is useful for anyone else who is sitting at their computer barely the resisting the temptation to throw it out the window.
Also published on Medium.
That was fantastic you should actually now put a NEXT link for how to use the database
Awesome tutorial! Thank you!
If you guys can’t find the DbEdit perspective option, you need to install DTP:
In Elclipse, click Help -> Install New
and look for Data Tools
Platform Enablement Extender SDK
i also get: not implemented by SQLite JDBC driver
and all table names are uppercase for some weird reason.
Thanks for the helpful tutorial. Got an issue regarding the Server URL via Windows 7. I put the URL into the Server URL and it says that a path does not exist. What am I doing wrong?
Currently on Windows 7 and when I try and add the Server URL in like this: jdbc:sqlite:/C:/Users/Matt/Downloads/eclipse-java-indigo-SR1-win32-x86_64 and then apply and connect and ok again, an error comes up saying “Out of Memory”…any suggestions into how this can be fixed?
thanks for that comment
In my eclipse menu>windows>open prespective>other there is no option like dbEdit.So is there another way to do that?