BBQ Experimentation: New Dry Rub Recipe
Stop sniggering at the back.
Dry Rub is a carefully prepared blend of herbs and spices that are added to meat before cooking. Usually low’n’slow cooking. Really! Still sniggering?
The 10 Principles of Economics Explained
To try and understand the financial crisis from which the economy is slowly, probably, emerging, a rudimentary grasp of economics would be helpful.
For those of us without any formal training the self-proclaimed Stand Up Economist, Yoram Bauman PhD simplifies matter, with tongue firmly in cheek.
Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile
Watching Chip Conley’s TEDtalk video, I was reminded of those stressful moments – and in the video, he talks about his company failing, which must rate as fairly tough time – and the difficulty in finding enough perspective to focus on the things that really matter.
When Behavioural Targeting Needs an ASBO
ASBO? That’s Anti-Social Behaviour Order for non-British readers. This blog post could be called “what happens when behavioural targeting goes wrong” or “hunted by the remarketer”.
The upshot? KLM is stalking me.
Without The Internet, Prostitutes Would Have to Find a Pimp Called Craig Who Had a List
It’s been one of those days, in fact one of those weeks. Knee-deep
in unexpected documents that demand total concentration. Six pages of
contract terms and conditions. Anyone? No, I thought not. Much to do
before the fun stuff.
And whilst we’re at it, add a spot of
post-swine-flu cough (OK, OK, a chest cold) that’s slowly moving your
lungs from their rightful place to the open atmosphere, much to the
disgust of your colleagues. I’m a joy to be around, no, honestly.
Joining the dots
Procrastination can be a wonderful thing.
Honestly, bear with me on this. Whilst I am furiously working away on the website for Chinwag’s new media department, the Twhirl client that sits on the far left-hand side of the screen constantly refreshes with the stream of consciousness that emanates from the people I follow on Twitter. Some people call them Tweeps, but I’ve clenched slightly just typing that phrase, so I won’t.
Sometimes, just sometimes, this can lead to voyage of discovery of something that gets the old noggin’ ticking over. So, join those dots…
Does exactly what it says on the tin
There’s something pleasing about a website that does exactly what it says on the tin (รก la Ronseal). Maybe this is a trend that’s been happening for a while, but a handful of sites have recently come across my radar.
Immersive video makes my head spin
Like being a virtual owl, but without any head movement required.
Click play, let the video load and then click and drag your mouse inside the video screen.
Finally a use for all those lost Post-It notes
I’m a hoarder of Post-It notes. Forever grumbling as I rummage around the stationery cupboard for another pack whilst there are dozens secreted away around my desk.
As everyone obsesses, quite rightly, on important things like crunchy credit and the US election, here’s a beautiful office-stationery-related distraction that uses almost as many Post-Its as I’ve found on my desk. Ain’t it marvellous?
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