London Tech Week 2017 For Free – 180+ Events That Won’t Cost You a Penny
Last week, frustrated by the difficulty in navigating what’s happening during London Tech Week 2017 (12-16 June ie. next week), I put together a spreadsheet listing all the events (I could find) for speedy scanning and booking. For the cheapskates cost conscious… [read more]

London Tech Week 2017 – 200+ Events in One Spreadsheet
<tl;dr>200+ London Tech Week 2017 events in one list</tl;dr> UPDATE: New events added along with details on any cost to attend or if they’re free. Navigating any tech event can be tricky enough, but when there’s a week of 180+ events… [read more]

The Power of Please and Thank You
<tl;dr> Saying please and thank you really works. Actual real-life professors say so. Not only do you get a better response, but it’s good for you, too. I am definitely a novice at this whole parenting thing. Another parenting triumph #dadfail… [read more]

Social Proof of Twitter Buttons Is Out For The Count
<tl;dr> Twitter buttons stopped showing how many times a page is shared damaging social proof and potentially their own growth. The count is down On 20, November 2015 millions, if not billions, of Twitter buttons stopped displaying the numbers of… [read more]

Keyboard Shortcuts for Mute: Skype & Google Hangouts
Do you spend an inordinate amount of time on conference calls? From noisy offices, coffee shops or coworking spaces? Are the children making a racket in the background whilst you’re sharing your words of wisdom? <tl;dr> Here’s the keyboard shortcuts… [read more]
The Best Job in the World? (for Cricket Fans)
In the midst of the frenetic activity of Social Media Week London #smwldn, I popped along to the BBC’s Sport & Social Media panel and caught up with Adam Mountford, producer of every cricket fan’s audio bible, Test Match Specia
Treating Musicians with Respect
A while back, Danny, friend and long-time cricket partner – an unbroken run of
five six years Twenty20 Cup finals – told me about his dream of creating a new type of music company.
Corporate Gobbledygook
As I was writing the post about phrases from baseball becoming a part of everyday office jargon, a Sunday evening TV stalwart flashed back into memory. The master of corporate gibberish was Gus Hedges from Channel 4’s Drop the Dead Donkey.
The website is down
This video has been doing the rounds of Twitter, Digg and no doubt dozens of other social network-type tools. Having the dubious privilege of being one of the geekier people in the Chinwag office means what you see below sometimes hs a frightening similarity to my days.
Laydeez and Gentlemen. The website is down…
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